What are Lower Vibrational Energies and How Can They Affect Us?
Lower vibrational energies are commonly referred to as entities but many people, including Hollywood, misuse this word giving it a negative connotation only, when in fact, all beings can be referred to as entities and many are higher in vibration. It’s the lower vibrational, less evolved, unseen entities that are vibrating at a lower frequency of evolution that are the ones generally interfering with our energy fields in a “negative” manner. I always start with clearing these entities as it seems logical to me to remove the most obvious first and then follow up with a closer look to see what else may be affecting you and holding you down. How do you know if you might be being affected by lower vibrational entities?
My own sensitivity to these energies is a gift as this sensitivity initially alerts me to their presence (I do also feel higher vibrational energy from Spirit). You may or may not feel or understand what you are feeling if you are sensitive to the lower varieties. Here is a list of some of what you might expect when you have lower entities attached to your energy field affecting you.
You may feel a lack of mental clarity or brain fog, anxiety, depression, irrational fears, feelings of terror at night, fatigue, dizziness, sadness, anger, guilt, blame, shame, self doubt, negative attitude and thoughts, unexplained illnesses, excessive drinking and inner voices telling you that you are a failure and worthless. Your general outlook on life may be negative or pessimistic.
These energies can affect how you feel emotionally and the malevolent ones definitely can place ideas and even words into your mind obscuring the connection you would normally have with Divine Source and your Higher Self. I personally wanted to end my life many times and tried once, coming close so I understand how bad it can get. When you are feeling these types of things and your head does not feel like your own or you feel like you are losing your mind, there is a very real possibility that you have an entity attachment. My case is an extreme case and not the norm.
I had to learn the polarity ranges to be able to serve. It’s difficult to talk to most people you know about this stuff but I understand it, take it seriously and have answers. Most of you will never have these severe types of interactions but if you do, I am here for you.