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My Team, Clearing Lower Entities and What to Expect


I’m going to give you a better understanding about what “clearing” means, and how it works so you can enjoy your life more fully. I work with my Divine team, the “Triad of Love”, consisting of Archangel Michael, Sananda and Joseph of the Essene (one of my Soul aspects).

We are also supported by Archangel Metatron. One of the biggest moments of my life occurred one night while Dawn channeled both Sananda and Archangel Michael. They came through and merged their energies with those of my heart and told me that I was to clear and transmute all lower vibrational energies in my field of view. It was made clear that I had agreed to this task prior to my incarnation and given the grace to do it. I was to help clear and assist humanity and Gaia to ascend into unity consciousness.

My team and I “clear” or release lower vibrating entities from people’s energy fields that are “negatively” affecting them in various ways using the benevolence and power of love. How do we do this? It’s important for me to explain that this is indeed a team effort, as my team will be working with your own team (guides and higher self) in Spirit upon giving me permission to do a clearing. I am not waving wands. I work with consent and the law of free will. When working with clients, I always ask for permission and make the session a combined team effort. It should feel exciting to know you are helping yourself to have a more enjoyable life.

I do this because when you give permission and when you actively participate (speaking internally and repeating commands), it brings your intention forward which is important in the process. Free will is powerful and nothing trumps it, not even your guides. We are stronger when working together and the outcome will be positive with your participation. Essentially, you are telling your guides and higher self that you no longer wish to live with these limiting energies that you are now aware are affecting you. We together are commanding these energies to leave you for good.

One session is enough to feel change often immediately, resulting in many types of experiences of release. You may feel tears come, a feeling of relief, clarity and calmness as pressure and anxiety dissipate, followed by big smiles and hugs. Depending on your sensitivities, you may not feel anything obvious but I assure you that you will feel lighter in the coming days after your session.

One client reported not feeling anything in the moment but had a huge release 12 hours later. One session will completely clear ALL lower vibrational entities in your energy field that are affecting you. It will not prevent more from being attracted to you! You must do the work and understand that you are responsible for the life you are creating. Clearing out the entities is only the first step.

It will give you back a clear thinking mind free of fog and anxiety, assisting your body to regenerate and release pain and ailments. After mental clarity has been restored, we can begin the process of looking toward other areas holding you down so you can begin to take back control of your own life joyfully. This means developing a daily spiritual routine/practice morning and night.

Do research on how to raise your vibration and also understand that entities are not responsible for creating all the problems you have in your life. I will steer you in the right direction but again, you must do your own work. In the meantime, if you are feeling that a clearing will benefit you, I am here to provide you with that immediate relief. Why do these lower energies come to us in the first place?

There are several explanations that I am aware of. (1) Prior to your incarnation this lifetime, you and your guides may have decided that you would interact with certain lower vibrational energies (as did mine so I would learn about their existence and later be able to help remove them from others and the earth plane) intentionally to assist in the continued evolution of your Soul.

Having that experience, however difficult it may seem, helps one to grow and understand polarity and opposites and gives one perspective to understand and gain knowledge and wisdom to help oneself first and then assist others. (2) The level that one is vibrating is also a big factor day to day. If you are vibrating in the upper frequencies of light, then no lower vibrating entities will come to you or even see you but most of the human population is still not there yet (many are waking up now though) as they are still experiencing deep separation from Source.

Where you vibrate, dictates what can possibly be attracted to you. The entities do not rise up to find us, rather, it’s us that drop down to the level they are operating in. Once there, you have opened yourself to their realm, energies, intentions and powers.

Using drugs and alcohol lowers your vibration making you more susceptible to attack. Heavy use of these substances can allow these energies to connect with you easily when drunk or high. I have seen peoples eyes roll back in their head once reaching a certain level of intoxication and their personalities change immediately as the entity begins to take control of the body and thoughts.

Do not blame or judge these energies as you are responsible for the choices you make in this life (even if you are being influenced by energies) that you as a Co-Creator are creating for yourself daily. If you are not enjoying your experience and want to change it, by coming here to my site, you have “Acted” and taken the first step to take back control of your life consciously.

