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Different Types of Clearing Sessions Available


Currently, I am working within 5 distinct areas of clearing. 1.- Lower Vibrational energies/entities 2.- Cords of attachment 3.- Viral programming (personal and ancestral) 4.- Dark magic(spells, curses, etc.) 5.- Vows, pledges, oaths, allegiances. I am also providing an Open Ended session to cover all other limitations and areas to be healed such as inner child, traumas, chakra balancing and more.Â


I also offer a separate open ended session to work on areas specific to each individual’s needs. I never know where this will take me and rely on my guides and team to navigate through this session. Â

These sessions have structure but I use my intuition to adjust to what surfaces in the moment. Together with my team, I use a variety of spiritual gifts that I have developed over a great many lifetimes that are now awakening again, some as an Essene, others as a Shaman etc.
These include: remote viewing, bi-location (dimensional traveling), inner vision, healing hands as well as gift of seeing, knowing and hearing. I speak with my higher self (Superconscious Self or Soul Awareness) daily and I’m assisted by him (and my guides) throughout a session.
I also call in St. Germain and work with the Violet Flame, the Angels, Elementals and more depending on the circumstances. I do work in the moment and respond to what I am shown and told by my guides and higher self, so each clearing session is unique and flows wherever I am guided. We have brought through many things with us into this incarnation and it’s time to let go of the ones no longer serving us.
Old programs and beliefs need to be dissolved to make room for updated new ones. These old programs/beliefs have been placed upon us by our parents, society, doctors, churches, schools, media and governments. They have shaped our belief systems and indeed, our own identity. We believe things are possible or impossible based on this programming.
We believe that aging and death is absolute and sickness and illness inevitable because we can not cure ourselves. When these various programs are dissolved during a session, new possibilities open up in our minds creating new beliefs.
Beliefs such as regeneration and even immortality become possible. I know some things sound crazy, but invisible radio waves bringing music into a radio in the early 1800’s when they were using Morse code tapping only to communicate over distances via wires, would have sounded crazy to them. The scientifically proven “placebo effect” is based solely on “belief” and proves that the body has innate abilities to heal itself, even instantaneously so why don’t we believe it? My team and I are working with energy.
Balancing and release occurs when you raise your own vibration, welcome and accept these energies. When you are within a range that the energies are vibrating, they can assist you and if you are not quite there, you will be and they will still assist you at that quantum moment in time.
It is important to believe in at least the possibility that you are going to have a positive experience during your session with me and a positive lasting result. Just be open to the possibility and I will be able to work with you effectively.
Remote Viewing & Bi-location-Dimensional Travel: I am able to use these gifts of etheric or astral travel to go to a remote location other than the room I am in and see what is going on there or travel there and interact in that reality. This allows me to be able to assist people from a distance instead of in person.
It also allows me to look at other lifetimes you have had (or will have) and discover the root causes of things like Traumas from Ancestral lifetimes or from “previous”/parallel/”future” lifetimes where you may have an attachment to some individual, event or trauma that needs to be dissolved (such as sexual trauma, a burning at the stake or vows, promises & pledges made as a monk or nun), severed (cord of attachment from black magic) or healed (such as a knife wound or an arrow removed from battle still lodged in an etheric body) using Divine white light or stitched up with white light thread.
These lifetimes also extend to all galactic lifetimes lived. Its the same Soul throughout and we can ask my team about these lifetimes. Inner Vision: I use my gift of “inner vision” to look inside your body(s) as directed by Spirit and dissolve blockages around Chakras, to remove types of lower vibrational energies/parasites such as snakes (I know it may be difficult to believe…), worms and sludge.
Remotely, I can send Divine light to heal areas of the body, as well working with Galactic Command, Masters and Angels. Hearing: I use this gift connecting to my higher self and guides to listen to their directions and can teach you how to do this. ​ Brain Remapping: My team, specifically Sananda/Jesus, scans your brain to see where damaged areas are and begins to unplug and rewire circuits, creating new neural pathways for information to travel efficiently again.
I have watched (remote vision) Sananda working at light speed as he unplugged and plugged in new wires in one of my clients (see testimonials). Pets: Pets also suffer from energy blockages and lower vibrational attacks. I can assist your pet to release these energies so both it and your day is more enjoyable. Did you know that pets reincarnate like humans? Often even returning to the same owner time and time again. My dog Rosie and I are on our 7th lifetime together 🙂
Lets love and take good care of our fur babies! ​ Spaces: My team and I effectively clear any and all unwanted entities from homes/work/outdoors using love and benevolently send them to Divine Source. Hauntings, ghosts, entities (sneaky, tricksters, malicious, malevolent or Demonic) they all have to go by the Command of the Triad of Love. No exceptions.