Coaching Sessions and What I am Offering
How To:
-how to clear energies: using strong commands as a Divine Co-Creator.
-raise your vibration: through elimination and addition.
-reprogram your subconscious mind: tips from some noted professionals and my booklist to read.
-communicate with your Higher Self: I will teach you the method I use that opens up the pipeline.
-develop a daily spiritual process: upon waking, throughout the day, bedtime routine.
-need someone to talk to that’s been there? I can talk you off the ledge and bring calm and joy into your life again. Learn who you really are, why you are here and what your next move is by continually being in contact with your Higher Self throughout your day.
I’ve been where you may be right now, and I understand the desperation to feel free and clear within your mind and body as well as the desire to have a more enjoyable life. That is why I am here to help you experience joy and peace.
There are also many other light warriors doing this kind of work for humanity. I am not the only one. It’s my honor and duty to serve and help people to live a more enjoyable life, free from the things creating separation from their divinity and preventing them from focusing and knowing who they really are. I recommend booking an initial clearing session and we can discuss my coaching sessions and decide together what’s in your highest and best interest to assist you further.
I am very happy to say that I now know why I came here and who I Am. I Am here to enjoy the gift of life, continue to evolve and to serve humanity with love and gratitude. If you have questions, please fill out the contact us form and I will get back to you ASAP. I am very much looking forward to meeting you and serving with gratitude.