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The Ego – My Personal Ego Experience

The Ego

The Ego. A male perspective


Who is this masked man hiding lurking in the shadows anyways? Do we really know  who this character is? He has been maligned throughout time it seems. Being blamed for all lustful based desires and carnal thoughts. He is seen as a selfish, greedy individual craving wealth and is always about more. The Ego can be viewed as that little Devil on the shoulder that is constantly whispering “do it” into our ear.


Chug that whiskey, smoke that cigarette, be wild and crazy. When we do things that have ended up harming us we often lay the blame squarely on his shoulders saying “he made me do it”. This character, and he is indeed a “character” enjoys life to the fullest. His personality is one of extremes, bravado and bravery. Chest pumping in your face confidence exudes from his words and actions. He takes chances (calculated) with life doing what others think to be insane. 


As a young man, I was often viewed as having a “big ego”. Outwardly opinionated and loudly outspoken. I was fearless and walked with a air of invincibility. Cats, its is said, have 9 lives. I have had many more. The need for speed and adrenaline junky type stunts was something I vividly recall in my younger years. High speeds in cars, snowmobiles and motorcycles was a joy ride rush.


Pushing the limits and thinning the line between life and death often. In my case though, it was always a seemingly, calculated risk. I would not attempt anything that I was unsure about doing.  If I had the perceived skill and I believed I could do it, then I did just that. I would ride a 1000cc snowmobile 120km/h through an 8′ wide trail at night alone full out on every corner defying the odds of hitting the trees at high speed. Once I hit a deer and survived without a scratch. Many thanks to my Angels that night.


I was living a very Human, Ego based life. What does this mean? I was not aware that I was more than what I appeared to be. I did not see myself as a spiritual being and was not “awake”. Looking back I see myself so very clearly and have so much compassion for that young man that was desperately trying to find himself and be heard. I see the injured inner child that was seeking validation and behaving badly to get attention. I view the Ego as that young reckless injured child, not some villain or devil. Self gratification where there was no other kind available, so it seemed to him. 


As the spiritual path awakened in me, I asked a lot of questions and received answers. All I ended up with was an endless amount of new questions. It’s not the answers that matter. It’s the questions that are important for it is the questions that are responsible for driving us to take the necessary steps forward on our journey. The questions are the fuel and provide the energy we need to look within for those answers. Trust me when I say that the answers are really all withing us.


Some Eastern spiritually based cultures teach that the Ego is evil and is to killed. That it should be ground into dust. I spent 10 years of spiritual servitude in one such culture with the Sufi’s where I was taught exactly this. Their teachings are often based around killing the Ego and they uses specific types of practices such as humiliation, that they believe accomplish this.


It certainly does accomplish a killing of the Ego as your Spirit is ground to dust daily. It is my belief though that the goal in this case is to psychologically break an individuals identity. I compassionately understand their approach and what they are trying to accomplish but there is no compassion being used to open ones self to the truth of who he or she really is. It is an ancient practice that I believe is lacking in compassion. Today, there is so much information available to everyone and so many modalities and ways of getting to the top of the same mountain. I would say, be kind to yourself and your Ego.


This process of bringing more of your own soul into the body will naturally occur as you spiritually awaken. There is no need to use extreme measures to force what will come when it is meant to. If not in this lifetime, the next. What is the rush? We are immortal beings of light that live forever. It will happen when it is meant to. Beware of who you give your power to and what promises are made to you. Follow your own path and listen to your intuition.


That is the other voice within us that is always trying to direct us safely to the destination we set out to discover. Its that gut feeling when you know something just is not right.  As you do inner work like meditation and spend time in nature, the Ego will naturally become softer and dissolve. The more space you give spirit to enter the body the less control the Ego has over the day to day decisions and the more he can focus on the body functions and your health. 


More and more I am viewing the Ego with love and compassion as I begin to understand his role and who he really is. Living a life of  extreme Ego based duality gave me perspective to fall back on in times of need.  I now understand that my Ego showed me these extremes so that I would be able to have balance later in my life.  I no longer judge my Ego. The Ego is the Human part of us and it should be treated with understanding and compassion.  I believe the Ego is like an innocent child that is reactive and instinctive. 


The Ego is running the body functions and the one that instinctively pulls you back as you step off that curb when a bus is about to go by. The reflexes that kick in are ego based survival skills that have been learned from so many lifetimes. The Ego often saves our life. The sole purpose of the Ego is just that. To keep us alive. To do this, your Ego has a belief system that change is not a good thing. Ego will always try to keep things status quo because he knows that he can keep you surviving where you are but when he does not know what’s coming, there is a fear of change.


Love your Ego and be kind to him/her as he/she is keeping you alive daily pumping your heart and helping your lungs to breath. You are deserving of living a life of abundance and joy so there is no need to stay in survival mode any longer. Those lifetimes are past. Reassure your ego and speak to him often. Let your ego know that you are in charge but speak with love and compassion to your Ego and let him know that they get to come along for the ride and are not being left behind.


Dear Ego, I have a message for you. Thank you for keeping me alive all these years and for all you have shown and taught me. It is time now for you to recede to the back seat and allow Spirit, our Divine Soul to drive this bus. Know you are loved and that you are coming along on this adventure.  We are going to have to have so much fun. Thank you, I love you Ego.


If you read this, you are already on your own spiritual path of awakening and going at your own speed. Keep on doing the inner work and be grateful that you have awoken to your own truth.


Blessings and Love to you and your Ego.

