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What is the Higher Self vs Human Self?


Who is the higher self and what is the relationship between the self (within the human body) and the Higher Self? What are we doing here anyway? This is one perspective.


The Higher Self is one of the 12 aspects of the Over Soul and is often referred to as the I AM Presence. He/she is the bridge to the Soul and is helping to direct the other 11 aspects along their paths. When we connect with Source or our Soul, we do it through the Higher Self.  The human self within the body can be referred to as one of the other 11 Aspects of the Soul that has incarnated many many times and is having these experiences and sending this information back through your Higher Self to your Soul and ultimately back to Source Creator. It’s similar to that of a sliver of the larger pie made in its image. Each sliver of pie is made from the same ingredients as the pie itself. Made in its image. The Higher Self being the bridge and the one that is working with the Spirit Guides to ensure you stay on your life path that you chose and agreed to.Â


The Higher Self is an individual expression of God, Divine consciousness that originally split from one container into many countless containers (the Higher Selves) of the same Divine consciousness. A larger piece (than the Human Self) of the same Divine pie made with the same Divine ingredients. Each of these Higher Selves was given its own individual personality traits making it a unique individual operating within a collective consciousness of Oneness, similar to honey bees. Each bee is an individual within the consciousness of the hive. We humans are Divine individuals operating within the collective consciousness of Divinity.


God split her/himself into countless smaller Aspects or versions (Souls) so God would be able to see, know and understand her/himself fully. Like looking into a mirror. God or Spirit as he/she is commonly referred to in modern day times, is gathering information about all of he/herself through each of the Higher Selves and their Aspects. We individual humans are each one aspect of the 12 (12 being a sacred number that the universe is built around).


If you break it down, the Higher Self is similar to the homebase, and the other 11 aspects are fractions of the soul as well. This means that, each individual human has 10 other duplicate aspects (not in appearance) which when combined (including yourself), make up the 11 aspects, with the higher self being the 12th. of the Over Soul. At any one moment, the other ten Soul Aspects can be incarnated (though they are not necessarily) having their own experiences in their own incarnated lives that they chose.


What is the mission of the Higher Self? To evolve. This evolution is accomplished by sending each of the 11 soul aspects on adventures by placing that individual soul aspect into a bodysuit. There is a process that allows this to occur. This becomes known as a lifetime where the individual soul aspect is placed into the heart space of a growing, living infant within its Mother’s womb.


The Higher Self is collecting information and data, from each incarnated Soul Aspect via the body senses throughout these experiences. All of our senses are gathering information and processing it into thoughts, feelings, and emotions which generate words and actions creating circumstances that play themselves out. This information is gathered through each individual human (Sole Aspect) during the lifetime that they have chosen to incarnate into and relayed back to the Higher Self 24/7 via frequency and vibrations. It is through receiving all this information from all the 11 aspects that the Higher Self is able to grow and evolve and relay this to the Over Soul.


Prior to incarnating, each Soul Aspect chooses a new mission and goes over all the details (with their Spirit Guides) such as the country of origin at birth, their family members, friends they will meet (soul family members) and the life lessons they wish to learn through having all kinds of different experiences (pleasant and unpleasant). It makes no difference if they are pleasant or unpleasant. We have to understand night so we have a reference point to be able to make sense of what day is and our place in it. Good and bad does not exist to our Higher Self nor does time. Time only exists here on the 3D planet of Earth. If one year here was equal to one hour back home and you knew that in 80 hours you would be home from the dream and you would wake up, you can understand why we sign up for such difficult missions. They are not real though they seem real enough to us.


This life is an experiment. It’s a play with actors playing roles and living out a script. When it’s complete, we go home to review and evolve some more from all the experiences we had. The Creator wiped your memory of these events and lessons so that you would come in unaware and be able to make decisions using your own free will.


The voice that said turn left prior to you deciding to turn right and getting a flat tire on a dead end road in the middle of the night, was your Higher Self guiding you. Your higher self is leading you down a figurative highway and having you make turns to explore new places and situations and meet new people to interact with. We (the sole aspect in the human body) get to decide and can even over ride our own common sense and choose whatever we wish. There is however a master blueprint that the higher self wishes us to follow.


There is no judgement however if we choose by free will to make a turn that’s not on the map. If you wish to go 4×4 in uncharted territory the Higher Self is all for seeing how that experience will turn out also. There is an overall mission that we are being led on by the Higher Self but we are given this free will so that we as individuals can also grow and evolve just like our Higher Self is doing.


In fact, each individual Soul Aspect (you and I) are also gaining experience during each incarnation from all the parallel (not past) lifetimes we have had. Think of your self looking down on a carpet from above and each thread represents a lifetime and you get to choose the place, time period, sex, and every other detail. You are having experiences in each of these lifetimes and can choose from countless threads representing places to incarnate and lives to live. Often we do come back and experience in a chronological timely order but It’s not always linear chronological time based. You get to choose. It makes sense that one would want to learn to crawl first but we can choose to run if we desire it just to also have that understanding lol.Â


These experiences are all recorded within what is referred to as our Akashic record. These are the records of every single experience, word, feeling, emotion and event that has ever transpired in each and every lifetime. All accessible and stored within our hearts memory. We have all had many many lifetimes on earth (some hundreds, some thousands) each of us on a mission to discover and experience as adventurers. We are the boots on the ground exploring and evolving our own individual consciousness which is part of the greater collective consciousness. We are also helping our Higher Self to evolve.


You become separate in your own mind from God or so you think until you have gained enough experience and evolved to a point at which the individual Divine Aspect (within the human) starts to remember and awaken. Doing self work like meditation, shadow work, receiving energy clearing sessions and channeled regenerative healing energies, dissolves limiting beliefs and old programs, awakens spiritual gifts and we begin to ask big questions about who we are and what this place is and why we are here.


We do not often understand how fortunate we are to have been chosen to come into this current lifetime. There are countless Souls back home (in the Void, Heaven, the Still Point) but there are only so many body suits here on Earth to fill and every one of those Souls wishes to come here. You got chosen because you are special and have a special mission to complete. Everyone here is special, equal and a Divine Aspect of Oneness no matter who they are or the circumstances they find themself in.


Enjoy the experiences and know you are here to remember who you really are. We are waking up from the separation of perceived darkness and duality and realizing our own Divinity. We are heading back into the unity consciousness and ascending collectively into the higher 5th dimension.


Love and Blessings,