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My Miracle Spiritual Journey



Looking back, I’m amazed at how my journey has unfolded. From my early days as an atheist to my spiritual awakening and realization that I AM a conscious co-creator, it’s been quite an adventure! At age 8, while at our family cottage, I was out in a small rowboat with 10 kids jammed into it with no life jackets (common in the 1970’s). I know right…


I was asked by one of the girls to jump out and see how deep it was (over 25 years later, I would marry that same girl). Without hesitation, I jumped overboard and went straight to the sandy bottom. Oddly, I was a good swimmer but was unable to get back to the surface. Something unseen was preventing me from getting there.


While standing on the bottom of the lake, lungs filled with water after the struggle, a wondrous calm came over me as I saw the beauty all around me. Suddenly everything went black. At this point I had drowned. I was then visited by a Divine Female Spirit who opened my third eye and told me I wasn’t going home. Instead, I had work to do later in this life.


She sent me back into my body on a mission to assist Gaia and humanity and I woke up on the beach while my mother pumped the water out of my lungs after being retrieved from the bottom. No trip to the hospital, and back swimming the next day as if nothing had happened. Incredible. This would set the stage for a series of incredible “eye-opening” shifts to come later in my life.


The turning point came in the mid 90’s with the “EVENT” that would forever change my perceptions and belief systems, opening me up to a world of “unseen” possibilities. I had a powerful energetic presence (entity) living in my house that was deeply affecting me. When in my house I would experience brain fog, dizziness, mood swings, anxiety, anger and depression. As soon as I would leave, my head would clear. A famous local woman came to check the home and verified that a powerful entity needed to be removed.


On the night of the removal, this entity showed itself to four of us present. During the frightening experience that night, that Being slammed doors and placed thoughts and images in our minds before it was finally removed by that same woman.


This experience shook my belief system to the core, sparking within me a deep inner search that would lead me on a spiritual quest seeking the age old questions: who am I, why am I here, where did I come from and where am I going?


Much later in life, I came to realize that this entity had changed my path in that moment. I believe it was meant to happen and I saw that entire experience from a new perspective. One of gratitude. It woke me out of my sleep. Yet more synchronicity.


Over the years, I have uncovered incredible truths and have experienced many truly miraculous moments, like the time my entire house filled with Divine white fog that followed me upstairs to bed engulfing me. Spirit trying to stir me yet again. Incredibly, this would happen two more times.


I have a collection of 111 dimes that have been dropped at my feet over the years by my higher self. I’ve had synchronistic meetings with individuals holding keys for me that opened new doors. False mentors appeared and left while real mentors with soul connections guided me toward the realization that the answers I sought outside were largely within me all along. I just needed some guidance to realize this.


I have done a lot of shadow work releasing a lot of density and healing wounds from the past. I re-discovered my Essene lineage and lifetimes as an Essene, teaching in the mystery schools. With the help of spiritual practices such as channeling, leading edge guided meditations, and the loving support of my partner and guiding light Dawn, I began to further unlock my gifts and release layers of separation between myself and Source.


Embracing this modern guided meditative approach, I’ve tapped into transformative energies and deepened my understanding of spirituality and who I really am.


I suffered alone for over 30 years from exposure to lower vibrational energies(entities) and other people’s energy, experiencing symptoms like : anxiety, depression, anger, pressure in my head, huge mood swings, lethargy, brain fog, bad temper, feelings of insanity, hopelessness, unworthiness, and irrational thoughts/visions and even came very close to taking my own life.


You do not need to suffer like I did any more if you currently are or know someone that is. Spirit often places people in front of you that will guide you along your path if you are ready to receive that help.


Two such individuals were sent to me over the years that cleared me of such energetic presences. Being cleared for the first time was an incredible experience as it empowered me to realize that I could live a life free from the symptoms I had suffered from for so long. It was after receiving these energy clearings that my life would change again as I became aware that I could learn to do this myself.


I finally understood that I was in control of my own destiny. One such soul family member became my mentor for two years and taught me how to fast track myself, raising my vibration and teaching me about the clearing process but it was Archangel Michael that completed that initial process and my training coming to me often during meditation in visions bringing me messages and images.


Through incredible channels with Dawn, Archangel Michael and Sananda (also my spirit guides) would later merge their energies with those of mine and guide me through many bumps in the road. They have always been there for me whenever I have called, and assist me today with all my energy healing and clearing work.


In fact, we all have the ability to work with energy but the Grace comes from our own Divinity when we do the inner work and raise our vibration. It’s the key to spiritual growth. I Am releasing the density on earth by transmuting it from all in my view and sending it to Source with love and compassion.


I am grateful for all I experienced as I gained the knowledge and wisdom to assist and support others through that suffering.


My spiritual gifts are open and active and I Am fulfilling my destiny, helping my clients to release what no longer serves them. I Am working with my Team of Guides and a Divine Triad consisting of Archangel Michael, Sananda, Joseph of the Essene and supported by Archangel Metatron.


Together we work clearing individuals, groups, pets and homes/spaces, removing lower vibrating energies, limitations, viral programs, cutting cords of attachment, dissolving black magic, vows, pledges, oaths and allegiances. You may resonate and have some shared experiences with those of mine.


I understand what you may be going through and am here to help. I’ve been prepared to assist humanities ascension with Mother Gaia and am here to serve. It’s my honor to assist you with your own awakening process and share what I have learned with you about unseen energies and how they can affect you so you can have a more enjoyable life. You may find similarities with your own life path and realize you are not alone in your experiences and how you feel.


To enjoy success during one of my sessions, just BELIEVE in the POSSIBILITY that you can be healed and join me and my Team.


Blessings to you with Love,


Additional Articles From Brad

The Details of my Miracle Spiritual Journey


When I look back in time at where I came from and the journey that I’ve been on, with all the paths I walked, I find it incredible to see where I have arrived. How did I go from being a strongly opinionated Atheist living a life of full of duality and separation to becoming an awakened conscious co-creator moving toward unity and oneness?



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Mission Statement


I am passionate about helping anyone who is brought before me because I know that my services work and will benefit almost everyone (Please go to Testimonials to view my clients incredible experiences).


I am here to serve humanity and to transmute the densities around people making their lives more enjoyable


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Different Types of Clearing Sessions Available


Currently, I am working within 5 distinct areas of clearing. 1.- Lower Vibrational energies/entities 2.- Cords of attachment 3.- Viral programming (personal and ancestral) 4.- Dark magic(spells, curses, etc) 5.- Vows, pledges, oaths, allegiances.I am also providing an Open Ended session to cover all other limitations and areas to be healed such as inner child, traumas, chakra balancing and more.


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What are Lower Vibrational Energies and How Can They Affect Us?


Lower vibrational energies are commonly referred to as entities but many people, including Hollywood, misuse this word giving it a negative connotation only, when in fact, all beings can be referred to as entities and many are higher in vibration. It’s the lower vibrational, less evolved, unseen entities that are vibrating at a lower frequency of evolution that are the ones generally interfering with our energy fields in a “negative” manner.

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My Team, Clearing Lower Entities and What to Expect


I’m going to give you a better understanding about what “clearing” means, and how it works so you can enjoy your life more fully. I work with my Divine team, the “Triad of Love”, consisting of Archangel Michael, Sananda and Joseph of the Essene (one of my Soul aspects). We are also supported by Archangel Metatron. One of the biggest moments of my life occurred one night while Dawn channeled both Sananda and Archangel Michael.

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Coaching Sessions and What I am Offering


-how to clear energies: using strong commands as a Divine Co-Creator.
-raise your vibration: through elimination and addition.
-reprogram your subconscious mind: tips from some noted professionals and my booklist to read.

-communicate with your Higher Self: I will teach you the method I use that opens up the pipeline.
-develop a daily spiritual process: upon waking, throughout the day, bedtime routine.



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